+40-723-400088 family@tylero.org

“For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your servants for Jesus’ sake.”

2 Corinthians 4:5

Prayer & Praise Updates

Seasons of Life in the Service of the Lord

It is understood that everyone experiences similar seasons of life with births and deaths in the family, but for the Tylers both came at the same time at the end of May this year. Within 24 hours of when Tim’s father went to heaven, their daughter, Bethany, gave birth...

No Time To Slow Down

No Time To Slow Down

Normally, winter weather is a reason to slow down, but this year there was little snow and milder temperatures, and we were glad because we had so much to do in the first part of 2024.     We began with a trip January to the States to visit our family during the break...

07-2023 Update: Bursting out the seams…

07-2023 Update: Bursting out the seams…

  It took the whole month of January, but we were able to enlarge our church sanctuary to accommodate the larger crowds we have had, which includes Ukrainian refugee families, international university students and visitors from the neighborhood who see something...

Ukrainian Baptist Refugees

Pray for Ukrainian Baptist families and missionaries coming our way… We are safe here in Romania, but we’re waiting for the arrival of at least 3 families and a single lady missionary, who left Ukrain yesterday with only what they could quickly put in a car. It took...

Click to donate to Tim Tyler - Missionary #1258

The Tylers have been missionaries to Romania for nearly 20 years
sent by Lancaster Baptist Church, (Dr. Paul Chappell, pastor)
and assisted by Baptist International Missions, Inc.